Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Living as missionaries

I've recently been reading biographies of Amy Carmichael, and of the five missionaries who were martyred in Ecuador in 1956. I've also been reading the bit in Mark 10 when it talks about those who give up families, fields, etc. for the sake of Christ. And it set me a-thinking (often dangerous):

Often Christians seem to have the view (which, in my view, is right as far as it goes) that we don't have to all be missionaries, but we should be willing to be missionaries if that's what God calls us to do. But surely we can go further? If should be willing to "go" and to give up much of what we have (in an earthly sense), surely we should also be willing to give up just as much if we don't go. Just because God doesn't call us all to give up our possessions so as to work in other countries, doesn't mean that he doesn't call us to give up our possessions (Luke 12:33).

As western Christians, it seems we have a lot to learn.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Jared, Dieneke, Carolyn, Henry, and Reese said...

I almost agree with your point. I say "almost" because I believe from what I've read in scripture that not only should every believer be willing to go as missionaries, I believe we are all called to BE missionaries. I'm not saying I think we all should be missionaries in the traditional sense of going overseas to preach the gospel to the unreached, but rather, we are all called to be witnesses to those around us in our daily lives where ever we are. Now for some, they may decide to take that over seas, but others may see a need to just reach those in their own home town, but we are all called to be actively sharing the gospel (be missionaries).

Steve said...

Thank you for that.
I absolutely agree. I was just using the term "missionaries" in a different sense, so as to make the point about lifestyle.