Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cockroaches - the myth destroyed!

They say (whoever "they" might be) that cockroaches are almost impossible to kill. I say that it's a myth. Yesterday, my brother, who has just moved into a new flat, asked me to come round and help him deal with a cockroach problem that he was having. Actually, cockroaches die very easily. I even managed to kill one accidentally. I was backing it into a corner with a giant (paperback) puzzle book (as you do!), and accidentally squashed it. They're liars and frauds. They may be able to survive a nuclear war, but we are in no imminent danger of them taking over the world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, I've realised that you aren't blogging in facebook, but indeed somewhere a little more sensible. Welcome to the blogsphere, brother, and continue with your committment to clear the world of cockroaches!